wah, film ini sangat2 menarik perhatian fancube! apalagi ini tentang/sejenis zombie (kalo diliat dari trailernya) - yeap, kita ngebahas suatu film tetep dari para mata penonton yang ga tau apa2 (ga berbobot dong berarti). intinya tentang zombie! ah! zombieeee!! crott!!
*fancube also likes resident evil saga and games, dawn of the dead, shaun of the dead, Zombieland, REC, Left 4 Dead (1 and 2), Plants Vs. Zombies, and maybe we'll put 'the crazies' in our toybox
*ooo yea.. cool song in the last minute of trailer.
*fancube also likes resident evil saga and games, dawn of the dead, shaun of the dead, Zombieland, REC, Left 4 Dead (1 and 2), Plants Vs. Zombies, and maybe we'll put 'the crazies' in our toybox
*ooo yea.. cool song in the last minute of trailer.
cut the crap, jump for trailer!